Isle B. Stitching

Archive for the ‘Home’ Category

My new Maytag Epic washer and dryer were installed this past Thursday. Maytag recommends that you use the new “high-efficiency” detergent in these so I had to make a run to Target to get some.  The washer uses very little water; in fact, I can hardly see any water in the tub when it’s washing. I can hear it when it empties, but even that doesn’t take very long. Much more energy efficient.

The small book that came with both of them are required reading in order to use them properly. The old days of washers with a knob for load type, a knob for water temperature, and an on/off button are gone. As well as dryers with a heat setting knob and an on/off button. The new washer lets me set either pre-set or manual settings, and lets me decide how dirty the load is, how fast I want the drum to spin, and then it tells me how long it’s going to take to wash the load. Ditto with the dryer. I’m very impressed.

Roger went scuba diving today, and I plan to straighten up the house and clean up my sewing room. As you can tell, I haven’t started picking up anything, but I’m writing this instead. My sewing room is looking messy, and I’d like to rearrange it to make better use of the space. I haven’t decided yet what will work best. 

I did this tulip design last night and started on a set of redwork hats. I’m still working on a website, but it’s close to the bottom of my list these days. Roger and I are working on the house. We’re getting ready to start painting on the inside so we can put down wood floors in the living and dining rooms. Once we’re done painting the inside we’re painting the outside, but that’s going to take a little longer because we’re arguing on the color.

I’ve posted the tulips so you can download them. Until next time!


I forgot to upload the tulip design. It’s there now!

Roger and I celebrated our anniversary on May 24th. We’ve been married 33 years. Is that too long? I ask because we didn’t give each other diamond rings, roses, a cruise, a romantic weekend; we didn’t go out for a romantic dinner or a night of dancing.

He gave me a new washer, and I gave him a new dryer. We even gave each other a pedestal to raise them up so we won’t have to bend over to do the laundry. How romantic can you get? Granted, the old washer and dryer aren’t working like they used to (although I keep telling Roger that smaller loads do wash and dry faster and better), and we’ve talked about replacing them. What luck that Texas decided to have a tax-free weekend on energy saving appliances the same month of our anniversary! 

Well, it all works out well. Jenifer’s dryer is not heating so she’s taking both our old washer and dryer. Of course, she needs to find someone with a truck in order to take them back to Beaumont…a three-hour drive from here.

So, you’ve noticed that I’ve digitized Roger overloading the washer (as usual) and me cleaning up the mess. I think I’ll use these to make him a nice anniversary card, and I’ll give it to him when he takes me out for a nice dinner…romantic, of course.

Until next time!

I practised my red work this morning and did this floral design. It looks like art deco to me, and I’ve decided that I like this look. Kind of elegant but not too ornate.

We went out for lunch and then to Home Depot to pick up some screws to attach new knobs to the new wardrobe. We picked up glass knobs at Canton yesterday. The knobs that are on the wardrobe are a little beat up, and we think the glass ones will look nice. Home Depot had banana plants and we picked up two to put in the back yard. The tag says they produce bananas like those in the grocery store. We’ll see. Actually, we probably won’t see anything because I expect that the ‘boys’ will probably eat any bananas the plants produce! We spent the rest of the afternoon trimming branches from the oak trees and crepe myrtles. What fun!

I’m now doing the laundry, and I must pick up the house before the cleaning lady comes tomorrow. Another lazy Sunday.

Until next time!

It’s been a few days since I’ve posted. I stayed home most of this weekend and didn’t do much of anything. We had something going on almost the entire month of March so I was ready to just sit home and take it easy. The only things I did were go to Target, go out for breakfast, and go grocery shopping, which is a chore in itself. I absolutely hate going to the grocery store. I need my own personal shopper!

Roger left Friday at noon to help teach a scuba class. He camped out and came home Saturday afternoon. He said it got pretty cold during the night. Hopefully that was our last little cold snap this year. The days are finally getting warmer with temps up in the 80s.

I was cleaning up my files and found this ice cream cone. I thought I’d put it up here as a little ‘taste’ of warmer days to come. Until next time.

Let’s go sew!



I found these little designs that I did a while ago. These are small so they’ll work great on baby things. I’ve finished up some more designs and just need to test stitch to make sure they sew okay. I hope some of you can use them.

We finally had a Sunday at home. I spent most of the day doing little things that I haven’t had time to do in the last few weeks. I cleaned the refrigerator, cut dead leaves off my house plants, caught up on the laundry, and picked up some of the clutter that’s piled up. I have a lady who comes in every Monday to do light cleaning, so I spend every Sunday evening picking up and cleaning before she comes. Kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?

I found a little time to get on the computer today. I’m trying to find time to get back to working on my web page.  I think our schedules have settled down for a little bit…at least at home. At work I have an awards banquet on April 18th that I need to start working on. I’ve already started planning, but now that it’s so close I’ll really be busy pulling it all together.

Better go tidy up for the cleaning lady!

Until next time.

kellymcdaniel_1020276001_884.jpgThe bluebonnets are blooming! Which means (according to my logic) that it’s officially spring in my little corner of Texas. Unfortunately, today’s weather forecast is calling for an 80% chance of severe thunderstorms with large hail and high winds. And some of these have the possibility of turning into tornadoes. The humidity is sitting at 94%. At least the temperature has been in the mid- to high 70s for the last week or so, which makes me happy, as anything below 70 is too cold for me. I just can’t handle cold weather anymore.

Roger and I have talked about moving down to the coast when we retire. Some place where the temperature rarely drops down to freezing. A place where we can lounge on the beach, a cool drink in our hands, and a warm tropical breeze blowing through our hair. What a life!

Until next time!


I’ve been wanting some warm gingerbread with whipped cream for a while now. The kind my mother made when we were growing up. I’m not talking about a gingerbread cookie but a moist, cake-type of gingerbread. The kind the grocery stores sold, many years ago, as a box mix. While searching for the elusive gingerbread, I came across these two recipes. The first is a recipe for ‘Poo Cookies’, which I think are really cute for a little boy’s birthday party…or an office potluck…or even a picnic? And I found these sweet cake pops . From the recipe they look super easy to make. I found this recipe for Forgotten Cookies or Meringues, which are my most favorite cookies ever! My sister knows how much I love these, and every Christmas she makes me a big plate of them, and I pretty much eat them all by myself. They are the best!

I said earlier that I do very little cooking, and that includes baking, grilling, roasting, poaching, braising, boiling, etc. So my chances of trying these recipes are pretty slim, but if any of you know of a good recipe for gingerbread, please send it to me. I’ve wanted warm gingerbread for so long that I’ll break down and bake me a batch…and probably eat it all by myself!

 Until next time!

May 2024


My Designs

You can stitch these designs for personal use, to give as gifts, or to sell. You can add text, resize, or change colors. The design is not yours because you make changes. You cannot sell, share, give or trade any design. You can only sell the stitched design. The copyright of the design is mine. Please direct anyone interested in my designs to this site. Give credit to Isle B. Stitching. Thanks and enjoy!

What we’ve said!

Evelyn Dockery on Remember the Polaroid?
chebirba on Make this: #17
Jodi Rupp on Make this: #17
canineoralmelanoma on Time flies…
moose845 on Make this: #25
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