Isle B. Stitching

My lazy weekend

Posted on: April 7, 2008

It’s been a few days since I’ve posted. I stayed home most of this weekend and didn’t do much of anything. We had something going on almost the entire month of March so I was ready to just sit home and take it easy. The only things I did were go to Target, go out for breakfast, and go grocery shopping, which is a chore in itself. I absolutely hate going to the grocery store. I need my own personal shopper!

Roger left Friday at noon to help teach a scuba class. He camped out and came home Saturday afternoon. He said it got pretty cold during the night. Hopefully that was our last little cold snap this year. The days are finally getting warmer with temps up in the 80s.

I was cleaning up my files and found this ice cream cone. I thought I’d put it up here as a little ‘taste’ of warmer days to come. Until next time.

Let’s go sew!

2 Responses to "My lazy weekend"

Thanks so much!! My husband works for an ice cream company so he will love seeing this!


Lucky you! Please tell me he gets all the free ice cream he wants. I’d never make it in a job like his. I’d eat chocolate ice cream all day long. I love ice cream! Be sure and change the color of the ice cream. He may not like the ‘pink’ stuff. Go with chocolate.

How is your dad? I hope he’s doing okay as well as you and your family.

Let me know when you’re ready to test again. I know you have a lot on your plate right now.

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April 2008


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